Welcome to the Graft-vs.-Host Disease Resource Center! Here you will find updated information, education, and other resources from the field of GVHD. We're excited to provide this offering to you and your colleagues. Take a look around, and send us your feedback to
Jaime Shahan, MPAS, PA-C Physician Assistant, Hematology/ Oncology Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at Redbird, University of Texas Southwestern
NCCN Clinical Practice Guideline: Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
GVHD Now: Support and Resources
ASTCT: Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Graft-versus-Host Disease after Cord Blood Transplantation
UpToDate: Treatment of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease
EBMT−NIH−CIBMTR Task Force Position Statement on Standardized Terminology & Guidance for Graft-versus-Host Disease Assessment
News & Literature Highlights